Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Below freezing Temps and your underground ticking time bomb.

     The last month or so the temps have been below freezing and we actually have a frost down about 4 feet down. The ground is frozen but below that the temp rises to 55 degrees. The ground is also in a constant state of movement. For Block and old pre cast Septic Tanks and Cesspools, THIS IS VERY BAD!

     Movement for old Septic Tanks, Cesspools and old  "Safe" Pre Cast Septic Tanks and Cesspools will make them cave in and you would not know it until somebody dies in them ! When a cesspool or septic tank caves in and the land bridge stays in tacked  above it, You would not know there is a problem until its too late and somebody is dead . The land bridge can only hold so much weight and it is 4 feet thick or alot less. If its frozen, It can hold some weight BUT if it is freezing solid then above freezing temps hit, The land bridge is being weakened on the top side and the bottom side.
     Having somebody die on your property is not good and what will you tell your family that a loved one died in a cesspool or septic tank on your property AND you and your families life will be changed and not for the good when the Town, County, officials come knocking along with the police  investigating who is at fault, And YOU will be found at fault and your homeowners insurance will not cover you or pay for any lawsuits on your property.

     The only way of protecting yourself is to know where exactly where your Septic Tank or Cesspools are and to STAY AWAY from the area all together and FENCE IN OFF from the rest of your property.

     Not good news to hear BUT you need to know this BEFORE somebody dies on your property.

For more information Please visit

Friday, January 5, 2018

Home buying and buried lies

     Home buying and buried lies  is a major problem 99 % of all home buyers must be concerned about.  You can see the home BUT can you see what is buried underground and what is the past homeowner and real estate agents not telling you ?

Listen in and learn !