Monday, April 16, 2018

Suffolk County Septic Cesspools and today's heavy rain.

     Toady's rain is bad news for your septic tank or cesspool and the older it is, bad news comes to your septic tank or cesspools. Rain and any buried septic tank or cesspools in Suffolk County  NY or anywhere  a septic tank of cesspool is will help speed up problems for them.

     If you have a septic tank or cesspool in Suffolk County NY that is older then 10 years old, Rain will help settle the soil around it and if your Suffolk county septic tank or cesspool does not have inspection ports raised to grade and allowed to breath and not buried, Hydrogen Sulfide will be eating up the concrete or your septic tank or cesspool and will weaken it and can, have and will cave in either on it's own or when somebody walks across or close to it.
     I have seen way too many septic tanks and cesspools in Suffolk county long island NY that did not have a inspection port raised to grade and allowed to breath cave in after only 5 years !

     The days of bury  it and forget about it are gone and with so many septic tanks and cesspools caving in in Suffolk county long island NY, The owner of the property is responsible for any damages to anything or anyone that your caved in septic tank or cesspools caused.

     Will your Insurance protect you? NO.

     What is buried on your property is your responsibility and if somebody gets hurt on your property, You will appear in Court to answer for why you allowed this to happen and to settle with the injured party. Turning a blind eye to what just maybe buried on your property will cost you everything you own.

     What can be done? A complete locate of everything on your property. This will help you access what needs to be done so nobody gets hurt or dies on your property.

     For more information Please see our website:

Friday, April 13, 2018

What to do if someone gets swallowed by the Earth on your property:

     Toda is the first warm day  to get outside on your property and just let loose and have a little fun. Weather it's cleaning it up to having a BBQ, The Spring finally gave us a warm day and what  better thing to do is to go outside !

     What people don't understand is that there is a lurking  ticking time bomb just under your feet that takes lives every year and it is just about to get very active right now. It has a season and that season  is now BUT this can happen anytime of the year.

     I am talking about your Septic Tank and Cesspool's location and knowing exactly where it is. If you have a sewer line, This matters to you also.

     ANY TYPE of Cesspools to Septic Tanks DO cave in. There is no such thing as a safe septic Tank or Cesspool system and I do not care what any Cesspool or Septic pumping company says, All Septic Tanks and Cesspools cave in and if anything is around it, It will take that life too.

     Get your Septic Tank, Cesspool and Sewer Line located by us and help keep your property safe and you out of the Court System. If someone dies on your property, You will be before a Judge asking you very uncomfortable questions and you loosing everything you own.

I don't want that happening to you, Call us today and make a appointment for us to come out and locate everything on your property INCLUDING your total Septic Tank or Cesspool system.

                                             For more information please go to: