Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Snow and your Septic Tank, Cesspools or Sewer Line.

     Snow is not good to your septic tank, cesspool or sewer line, On top of it or in it, Next to it or even under it. Any type of moisture will be negative to your system, Even if you have a sewer hook up as most sewer areas started with septic tanks and cesspools and almost all where not properly back filled.

     Snow.when melting and add freezing and above freezing temps,gets into the soil around your  septic, cesspool or sewer line will settles out any voids in and around your septic, cesspool or sewer line. This happens over and over during the winter and during the spring, summer and fall. Faster after rain or melting snow. Now add the water from underground sprinklers.

What can you do to avoid a life treating injury from a caved in cesspool?

     First thing to do is to find the exact location and the exact footprint of your septic tank, cesspool or sewer line. Next to locate all underground structures buried on the property and make a map of their exact location. Notice how we used the word exact location and not general location or the area location. 

Next, If after a heavy rain or snow you find a small void in the ground or a sunken in area, STAY FAR AWAY and put up caution tape to keep people away from it and do not forget about that if you chose to not figure out what is going on below ground that made this happen, That you would be fully responsible for anybody or anything that gets hurt on your property and that means you will lose everything.

     If you would like for us to come out and locate all that is on your property, Go to our website
www.RangerSewer.comfor more information.